CPR Hand Over
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Optimizing CPR Efforts: Sharing the Work and Guidelines
1. The Importance of Sharing CPR Efforts
Providing CPR can be physically demanding and exhausting. To maintain effectiveness, consider sharing the work with another rescuer.
- Collaboration with another rescuer helps alleviate fatigue.
- CPR training is not essential for the second rescuer; instructions can be provided.
2. Coordinated CPR Assistance
Efficiently coordinate CPR efforts with a second rescuer:
- The primary rescuer guides and demonstrates the required actions while performing chest compressions.
- During the breaths phase, the second rescuer prepares to immediately resume compressions once the breaths are completed.
3. Rotation Every Two Minutes
Maintain CPR effectiveness through regular rotation:
- Consider swapping roles every two minutes to combat rescuer fatigue.
- If you have no additional assistance and become tired, focus on chest compressions, taking a break from breaths.
4. Staying Updated with CPR Guidelines
Stay informed with the latest CPR guidelines:
- Adhere to the 2021 UK and European Resuscitation Council guidelines.
- Stay prepared for future updates and revisions.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit four LO3.1, 3.2 & 3.3
- IPOSi Unit two LO1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3
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