Demand Valves and MTV's
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Demand Oxygen Valve: Essential for Specific Situations
1. Introduction to the Demand Oxygen Valve
Unique Oxygen System:
- The demand oxygen valve differs from standard oxygen kits and is commonly found in specialized emergency ambulances.
- It's also utilized in the scuba diving world for providing 100% oxygen to individuals wearing masks, especially crucial in scuba diving accidents.
2. Components of the Demand Oxygen Valve
Key Parts:
- Main True Fit Mask (Various Sizes): Ensures a secure seal around the mouth and nose, easy to take on and off.
- Regulator: Automatically adjusts oxygen flow based on the user's breathing rate.
- Manual Triggered Valve: Allows manual oxygen delivery when needed, useful during CPR.
- Piping: Oxygen-rated white tubing.
- Main Regulator with Oxygen Level Gauge: Monitors remaining oxygen supply.
- Continuous Oxygen Port: Compatible with various oxygen delivery devices like pocket masks, non-rebreather masks, and nasal cannulas.
- Additional Demand Valve Connection: Offers flexibility to add extra demand valves.
- Flow Rate Adjustment Knob: Allows oxygen flow rates of up to 25 litres per minute, higher than standard oxygen cylinders.
3. Pin Index System
Secure Cylinder Attachment:
- The Pin Index System ensures a secure connection between the demand oxygen valve and the oxygen tank.
- It features two pins and a main oxygen feed, aligning with corresponding holes on the cylinder.
- Proper alignment and secure tightening are essential for safe operation.
- This system is crucial as it enables the demand for a higher volume of oxygen than standard medical-grade cylinders can provide.
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