Nasal Cannula
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Nasal Cannula: Efficient Oxygen Delivery
1. Introduction to Nasal Cannula
Simple Oxygen Delivery:
- Nasal cannulas are devices used for oxygen delivery to patients.
- They connect to the constant flow outlet of an oxygen cylinder and have two small plastic prongs placed into the nostrils.
2. Oxygen Concentration Levels
Adjustable Concentrations:
- Nasal cannulas provide oxygen at concentrations ranging from 24% to 44%, depending on factors like oxygen flow rate, the patient's nasal breathing, and speech.
- Higher oxygen concentrations (over 30-35%) are generally challenging to achieve with nasal cannulas.
3. Suitability and Tolerance
Well-Tolerated and Limited Applicability:
- Nasal cannulas are suitable for patients who can breathe freely through their nose and require a lower oxygen concentration.
- They are generally well-tolerated and cause less discomfort compared to standard masks.
- Not recommended for patients needing higher oxygen concentrations.
4. Maximum Flow Rate
Flow Rate and Oxygen Concentration:
- For safe use, the maximum flow rate should not exceed 6 litres per minute, as higher rates can lead to discomfort and issues.
5. Flow Rate vs. Oxygen Concentration
Flow Rate and Corresponding Oxygen Concentrations:
- 1 litre per minute - 24%
- 2 litres per minute - 28%
- 3 litres per minute - 32%
- 4 litres per minute - 36%
- 5 litres per minute - 40%
- 6 litres per minute - 44%
6. Usage in Medical Settings
Application in Medical Care:
Nasal cannulas are typically not used in first aid or out-of-hospital emergency treatment as they cannot provide the higher oxygen concentrations often required in such situations.
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