The Skeletal System
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An Overview of the Human Skeletal System
This guide provides an overview of the skeletal system, its functions, and the names of major bones in the human body.
Components and Functions of the Skeletal System
The skeletal system, comprising bones, cartilage, and ligaments, serves several key functions:
- Framework for the body
- Protection for vital organs
- Facilitation of movement
- Production of blood cells
- Storage of minerals like calcium and phosphorus
Major Bones of the Human Body
Identifying the key bones in the human skeleton:
- Cranium: Protects the brain.
- Jaw: Facial bone structure.
- Clavicles: Located on either side of the shoulder.
- Scapulae: Shoulder blades at the back.
- Vertebrae: Spinal bones.
- Rib Cage: Includes seven pairs of ribs, two cartilaginous ribs, and three floating ribs.
- Humerus: Upper arm bone.
- Radius and Ulna: Forearm bones, with the radius being thumb-side.
- Pelvis: Hip bone structure.
- Femur: Long thigh bone.
- Tibia and Fibula: Bones of the lower leg.
- Foot Bones: Bones forming the structure of the feet.
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