First Responder Annual Refresher

128 videos, 7 hours and 37 minutes

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Treatment of Hypothermia

Video 51 of 128
1 min 16 sec
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Proper Care for Hypothermia: A Comprehensive Guide

When someone is affected by hypothermia, immediate and correct action can make a significant difference. Here's a detailed guide on how to provide appropriate care.

Initial Steps for Hypothermia Care

  • Move the person indoors: Ensure the environment is warm to prevent further heat loss.
  • Dress warmly: Replace any wet clothing with dry, warm clothing.
  • Blanket wrapping: Use blankets, especially those designed to reflect body heat and insulate, to wrap the individual snugly.
  • Protect from the ground: Lay down additional blankets or clothing beneath the person to shield them from cold surfaces.
  • Warm sustenance: Provide warm drinks and high-energy foods like chocolate, but only if they can swallow normally.

Note: Prioritise seeking medical attention promptly.

Things to Avoid

  • No hot baths: Immersing a hypothermic person in a hot bath can be dangerous.
  • Avoid massaging: Refrain from massaging the person's limbs.
  • Stay away from alcohol and caffeine: These can dilate skin's blood vessels, exacerbating the cooling.

Treatment for Severe Hypothermia

When dealing with more acute cases of hypothermia, it's crucial to follow these guidelines:

  • Handle with care: Always move the patient gently and cautiously.
  • Remove wet clothing: If the person is wet, carefully take off the damp clothing and pat them dry without rubbing.
  • Begin active warming: Use items such as heat pads or hot water bottles, ensuring they're not too hot.
  • Insulate the face: Covering the face lightly will help the person breathe in warmer air, further aiding in their recovery.

Medical attention: In severe cases, seeking professional medical help is paramount.


While quick action is crucial when treating hypothermia, it's equally important to understand the do's and don'ts to ensure the safety of the individual affected. Stay informed and act responsibly.