What are Medical Gasses
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Understanding Medical Gases
1. Introduction to Medical Gases
Exploring the basics of medical gases and their importance in prehospital care.
1.1 What Are Medical Gases?
Defining medical gases and their significance in the prehospital context.
2. Types of Medical Gases
Examining the two main types of medical gases used in healthcare.
2.1 Oxygen
Key Points:
- Oxygen is a single gas, not a mixture.
- It is sterile, pure, and used for various medical situations.
- Recognizable by use-by date stickers.
2.2 Entonox
Key Points:
- Entonox is a pain-relieving gas containing nitrous oxide and oxygen.
- Commonly used for mild pain, sprains, strains, childbirth, chest pain, and cardiac pain.
- Requires mixing by inverting the cylinder to ensure a proper combination of gases.
- Self-administered under supervision for pain relief.
3. Understanding Medical Gases as Drugs
Recognizing medical gases as drugs and their careful administration.
3.1 Oxygen as a Drug
Key Considerations:
- Oxygen is considered a drug.
- Used in various medical situations, especially for patients with breathing difficulties.
- Must be administered carefully and to appropriate patients.
3.2 Entonox as a Drug
Key Considerations:
- Entonox is also a drug.
- Commonly used for pain relief.
- Self-administered by patients under supervision.
- Requires understanding of contraindications and proper administration.
4. Administering Medical Gases
Exploring the rules and regulations for administering medical gases safely and effectively.
4.1 Contraindications
Key Considerations:
- Certain medical gases may have contraindications.
- Understanding interactions and when not to administer is crucial.
4.2 Rules and Regulations
Key Guidelines:
- Adherence to rules, regulations, and safety protocols is essential.
- Proper training and knowledge are prerequisites for administering medical gases.
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