First Responder Annual Refresher

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Elevated Slings

Video 97 of 128
1 min 42 sec
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Applying an Elevated Sling for Arm Injuries

Learning how to apply an elevated sling is crucial for immobilising an injured arm. This guide will walk you through the process of using a triangular bandage to create an elevated sling, particularly useful for injuries such as a cut to the wrist.

Assessing the Injury

Before applying the sling, ensure the injury has been assessed, any dressing is secure, and there is no excessive bleeding.

Preparing the Triangular Bandage

Use a triangular bandage, available in calico or paper versions. Start by identifying the 90-degree corner and tying a knot for elbow support.

Application of the Elevated Sling

Position the bandage so that the knotted corner sits at the elbow. Tuck the material under the arm and bring the bandage around to secure the arm in an elevated position.

Securing and Adjusting the Sling

  • Ensure the bandage is tucked under the hand and around the arm.
  • Tie the bandage at the back in a simple knot.
  • Adjust the sling to ensure comfort and security without restricting blood flow.

Final Checks and Transportation

Perform a capillary refill check to ensure blood flow is not hindered. Confirm that the sling is comfortably supporting the arm before transporting the patient.

Proper application of an elevated sling is a key skill in first aid, offering support and comfort to individuals with arm injuries.