FAQ Level 3 Award for First Responders on Scene: Emergency First Responder (RQF) FROS® - Online Blended Part 1

212 videos, 11 hours and 35 minutes

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Basic First Aid Advice

Video 188 of 212
1 min 51 sec
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First Aid: Initial Assessment and ABCD's Concept

Ensuring Safety

Initial Assessment:

Before entering a rescue scene, it's crucial to perform an initial assessment to verify scene safety.

Personal Protective Equipment

Protective Gear:

Prior to providing assistance, wear personal protective equipment to safeguard yourself.

Introduction and Permission

Introduce Yourself:

Always introduce yourself and seek permission to assist the individual in need.

ABCD's Concept

The ABCD's concept guides first aid responders in addressing primary care and life-threatening conditions.

A - Airway

Open the Airway:

Start with "A" for Airway by clearing any obstructions, such as the tongue, which can block breathing.

B - Breathing

Check Breathing:

If the individual is not breathing, proceed to "B" for Breathing.

C - Circulation

Assess Circulation:

After checking breathing, evaluate "C" for Circulation, and initiate CPR if necessary.

D - Defibrillation


Administer "D" for Defibrillation if available, which can restart the heart during a cardiac arrest.

S - Serious Conditions

S - Serious Bleeding, Shock, and Spinal Injury:

Once the primary ABCD steps are addressed, focus on "S" for dealing with serious bleeding, shock, and potential spinal injuries.

Recovery Position and Monitoring

If Alone:

If alone, place the patient in the recovery position and contact emergency services, if the patient is breathing. The recovery position ensures easy breathing and minimizes choking risks.

Vital Signs

Monitor Vital Signs:

Continuously monitor the patient's vital signs and keep them warm and comfortable until EMS arrives.

Dealing with Anaphylaxis

Sit or Lay Down:

In the case of an anaphylaxis emergency, have the patient sit or lie down. If unconscious, place them in the recovery position and monitor their breathing. Always call EMS.

Remember the Goal

Preventing Worsening:

First aid aims to prevent the patient's condition from worsening, and this can often be achieved with simple, essential skills.