First Responder Annual Refresher

128 videos, 7 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Recognition and Management of Life Extinct

Video 74 of 128
3 min 41 sec
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Recognition and Management of Life Extinct

Handling a Traumatic Situation with Dignity

When faced with the recognition and management of life extinct, it's crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and dignity.

1. Consideration for Family and Witnesses

Key Point: Recognize the traumatic nature of the situation, and prioritise dignity and respect for all involved.

  • Ensure privacy and respect for the deceased and their loved ones.
  • Keep prying eyes away from the scene, especially if it occurs in a public place.

2. Understanding Certification of Death

Important Reminder: Only qualified clinicians can certify death; until then, resuscitation efforts should be made if feasible.

  • Rigor mortis, decapitation, and advanced directives are factors to consider in determining whether resuscitation is appropriate.
  • When in doubt, err on the side of attempting resuscitation, unless clear indications suggest otherwise.

3. Ceasing Resuscitation: Practical Considerations

Practical Guidance: Resuscitation efforts may cease if circumstances prevent further assistance and pose risks to rescuers.

  • If isolated with no means of support and exhaustion threatens rescuer safety, stopping resuscitation may be necessary.
  • Ensure every effort is made within practical limits, but recognise when further intervention is not feasible.

4. Prioritising Dignity in Death

Final Consideration: Uphold dignity and respect throughout the process, offering support to family members and managing the situation with care.

  • Communicate openly and compassionately with family members, providing explanations and support.
  • Ensure no unauthorized documentation or recordings are made of the scene.

Conclusion: Compassion and Support

Recognizing and managing life extinct is a challenging responsibility that requires compassion, sensitivity, and adherence to protocols. Seek support if needed, both during and after the event, to cope with the emotional toll.

Learning Outcomes:
  • FPOS - Unit 2 LO4.2
  • FPOS - Unit 2 LO4.1
  • IPOSi Unit two LO1.6