Pocket Mask with Oxygen
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Using a Pocket Mask for Resuscitation: Features and Benefits
The pocket mask serves as a vital tool for delivering breaths during resuscitation while forming a protective barrier between the rescuer and the patient.
Features of a Pocket Mask
- Compact Design: Comes in a plastic case with a clip for easy access and storage.
- Elastic Strap: Secures the mask over the patient's face and behind the head for stability.
- Air-filled Sack: Ensures a tight seal around the patient's face, preventing leakage.
- One-way Valve: Allows airflow into the patient's airway while preventing exhaled air from reaching the rescuer.
- Disposable: Designed for single-use to maintain hygiene standards.
Usage and Application
To use the pocket mask:
- Remove the mask from the case and shape it for immediate use.
- Position the mask over the patient's face, ensuring a snug fit.
- Secure the elastic strap behind the patient's head to keep the mask in place.
- Apply gentle pressure around the mask to create a seal while opening the airway.
- Deliver rescue breaths through the mouthpiece, utilizing the one-way valve for protection.
Supplementary Oxygen Delivery
Only administer supplementary oxygen if properly trained. Steps for oxygen delivery:
- Remove the cap from the oxygen outlet on the mask.
- Connect standard oxygen tubing to the outlet.
- Turn on the oxygen tank and set the flow rate to 15 litres per minute.
- Deliver breaths, allowing the oxygen to mix with the air for increased oxygenation.
- Hygienic: Disposable design reduces the risk of contamination during resuscitation.
- Efficient: Provides a secure seal and effective airflow, improving the delivery of rescue breaths.
- Enhanced Oxygenation: Allows for the delivery of higher concentrations of oxygen, potentially improving resuscitation outcomes.
Learning Outcomes:
- FPOS Extended unit 2 LO2.1 and 2.3
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