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Course Test Completion
Congratulations on finishing your course! The next step is to successfully complete your course test.
Preparing for the Test
- Review course videos and documents in the student resources section.
- No time limit, but the test must be completed in one sitting.
- Questions are a mix of multiple choice and true or false.
- Receive additional help if you select a wrong answer.
- Adaptive testing system ensures unique question sets for each candidate.
- Pass each section of the course to proceed.
If You Need to Retake the Test
- Review course materials thoroughly before attempting again.
- Retake the test until you achieve a passing score.
After Passing the Test
- Print your completion certificate immediately.
- Access your certified CPD statement and Evidence-Based Learning statement from the course homepage.
- If enrolled in a blended course, bring your completion certificate to your practical lesson.
Need Help?
- Contact us to arrange a practical module or for any assistance.
- Explore our nationwide classroom courses and online offerings.
- For group training solutions or course inquiries, reach us at 01206805359 or email
Thank you for choosing ProTrainings. Best of luck with your test!
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