First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

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Trauma from Choking

Video 34 of 206
2 min 50 sec
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Choking Emergency Treatments: Risks and Considerations

Importance of Timely Resolution

During emergencies, addressing life-threatening causes promptly is crucial. Choking is among these critical instances where swift action is imperative.

Balance Between Intervention and Risk

While aggressive interventions like compressions and thrusts may save lives, they also pose risks of collateral injury. Prioritizing prevention of death over potential injury is essential.

Effectiveness of Abdominal Thrusts

Since its introduction in 1975, abdominal thrusts have saved numerous lives. However, careful consideration is necessary due to associated injuries and trauma.

Impact of Proper Technique

Properly performed abdominal thrusts significantly reduce the incidence and severity of collateral trauma, highlighting the importance of correct execution.

Medical Evaluation and Risks

Immediate medical assessment following abdominal thrusts is crucial, particularly for individuals over 65 who are more susceptible to injuries. Complications, such as gastric rupture, underscore the need for thorough evaluation.

Specific Injuries and Cases

  • Gastric Rupture: Common among older individuals or those consuming large amounts of food or alcohol, gastric rupture poses a high mortality risk, often attributed to improper or excessive abdominal thrusts.
  • Lacerated Liver and Hematoma: Multiple abdominal thrusts, particularly unsuccessful ones, can lead to severe internal injuries, such as liver lacerations and extensive hematomas.
  • Responder Care Injuries: Emergency caregivers must exercise caution during abdominal thrusts to avoid personal injuries, such as rotator cuff tears.
  • Chest Thrust Complications: Similar to abdominal thrusts, chest thrusts during choking emergencies can result in rib fractures, emphasizing the need for careful technique.