First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

206 videos, 11 hours and 32 minutes

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Who prescribes auto injectors?

Video 176 of 206
2 min 14 sec
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Prescription and Proper Usage of Auto-Injectors

Obtaining an Auto-Injector

Prescription-Only Medicine (P.O.M):

An auto-injector is classified as a Prescription-Only Medicine (P.O.M) and can only be acquired through a doctor's prescription.

Unique Prescriptions:

Each auto-injector prescription is tailored to the individual patient's needs, accounting for factors such as dosage requirements and specific medication types.

Strict Medication Adherence:

Never use another person's auto-injector, as it may not be the correct unit or dosage. Doing so can endanger both the individual with the prescription and the person in need.

Emergency Situations

Immediate Action:

If you encounter someone experiencing a suspected anaphylactic reaction without a prescribed auto-injector, do not use another person's device. Call Emergency Services immediately for guidance on how to assist.

Doctor's Role

Personalized Medication:

Doctors assess various factors, including allergies, medical history, and drug effectiveness, to prescribe the most suitable auto-injector and dosage.

Regular Check-ups:

Patients should maintain ongoing communication with their doctors to ensure their treatment remains appropriate and effective.

Pharmacist's Assistance

Drug Dispensation:

Pharmacists provide patients with prescribed auto-injectors, offering guidance on proper usage and storage.

Storage and Disposal Advice:

Pharmacists can offer information on correct storage procedures and safely dispose of expired medications upon request.

Seek Professional Guidance:

If you have questions or require advice, don't hesitate to consult your doctor, practice nurse, or pharmacist for assistance.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO6.1, 6.2 & 6.3