First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

206 videos, 11 hours and 32 minutes

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Pulse Oximetry

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3 min 32 sec
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Understanding Pulse Oximetry: Proper Usage and Considerations

1. Introduction to Pulse Oximetry

An in-depth guide to the use of pulse oximetry and vital considerations.

1.1 Assessing the Patient

Key Patient Assessment:

  • Evaluate the patient's color, breathing effort, and overall condition for signs of oxygen or breathing problems.
  • Check for muscle damage, fractures, or chest injuries, as they may impact oxygen delivery.

2. Proper Usage of Pulse Oximetry

Exploring the correct application and use of pulse oximetry for accurate readings.

2.1 Placement and Precautions

Crucial Placement and Precautions:

  • Pulse oximeters are typically applied to the finger, earlobe, or nasal cavities.
  • Nail cleanliness is essential, as nail varnish can affect accuracy.
  • Ensure there are no restrictions on blood flow to the measurement site, including tourniquets or tight clothing.
  • Environmental factors such as room oxygen levels and carbon monoxide should be considered for accurate readings.

2.2 Capillary Refill

Quick Capillary Refill Test:

  • Perform a capillary refill test by squeezing the finger; refill should occur in under two seconds.
  • Delayed refill may indicate blood flow restriction, potentially affecting oximeter readings.

2.3 Assessing Finger Colour

Evaluating Finger Colour:

  • Check for cyanosis in the fingertips before attaching the pulse oximeter.
  • Cyanosis suggests an oxygen problem and should be noted.

3. Types of Pulse Oximeters

Understanding the different types of pulse oximeters and their usage.

3.1 Finger Probes and Ambulance Probes

Varieties of Pulse Oximeters:

  • There are two main types: small finger probes and more complex ambulance probes.

4. Interpreting Readings

Deciphering pulse oximeter readings and their implications for patient care.

4.1 Oxygen Saturation Levels

Understanding Oxygen Saturation:

  • Ideal oxygen saturation range: 95-98%.
  • Values within this range indicate sufficient oxygen supply and normal breathing.
  • Values below 95% suggest hypoxia and the need for oxygen supplementation.

5. Making Informed Decisions

Using accurate statistics and patient data to make informed decisions regarding oxygen therapy.

5.1 Data-Driven Decisions

Guidance for Decision-Making:

  • Consider patient condition, pulse oximeter readings, and clinical assessment when determining the need for oxygen therapy.
  • Ensure decisions are based on factual information rather than assumptions.
Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO3.1, 3.2 & 3.3