First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

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AED Batteries

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3 min 55 sec
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AED Battery Types and Their Maintenance

Types of AED Batteries

AED units typically use solid disposable battery packs, though some models might employ multiple small batteries. It's important to understand that AEDs are solely powered by these batteries and do not rely on mains power or rechargeable options.

Integrated Battery Systems

Some AED models, like the HeartSine units, incorporate the battery into the pad cartridge. This design simplifies maintenance by ensuring that replacing the pads also means a fresh battery, guaranteeing the unit's readiness.

Battery Shelf Life and Maintenance Checks

The lifespan of AED batteries can range from two to five years. Regularly checking the battery charge level is crucial for emergency preparedness.

  • Regular Checks: Ensure that the batteries are fully charged and operational.
  • Alerts and Indicators: Pay attention to any alerts such as beeps or lights indicating battery issues.
  • Emergency Use: Even if the unit indicates a need for battery replacement, it can still be used in emergency situations.


Effective management of AED batteries is essential for ensuring that the device is ready for use during emergencies. By understanding the types of batteries used and adhering to regular maintenance checks, you can ensure the reliability and effectiveness of your AED unit.