First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

206 videos, 11 hours and 32 minutes

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Suction Overview

Video 19 of 206
2 min 44 sec
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Airway Management and Suction Techniques

The Vital Skill of Airway Management

In this brief video presentation, we'll explore one of the most crucial skills in the realm of first aid, paramedicine, and medicine itself - airway management. Specifically, we'll delve into the topic of suction, covering its importance, benefits, proper techniques, and the array of equipment available for this critical task.

Diverse Methods of Suction and Airway Clearance

Suction and airway clearance encompass a range of approaches, from fundamental practices like the recovery position and postural drainage to single-use suction devices and advanced electronic suction units used by ambulance crews. Maintaining a clear and patent airway is of paramount importance in any situation. When a patient loses consciousness, the airway is often the first component to become obstructed, whether it's due to the tongue falling back, muscular blockages, or the ingress of substances like blood, vomit, or foreign objects. Ensuring prompt and effective airway clearance is the foundation of successful airway management.

Using Suction Safely and Effectively

While we've stressed the critical nature of suction and airway management, it's equally vital to employ the equipment correctly. Suction not only extracts fluids but can inadvertently draw air from the lungs, a situation to be avoided. Key considerations include:

  • 1. Proper Airway Maintenance: Ensuring the airway remains open and unobstructed.
  • 2. Cautious Suction Technique: Avoid over-insertion of the suction catheter and start with the simplest and quickest techniques.
  • 3. Follow Guidelines: Whether you're a basic first aider using the recovery position or a healthcare professional with advanced suction equipment, adhere to established procedures and regulations designed to protect the patient and airway.

Balancing Airway Clearance and Ventilation

While clearing the airway is paramount, we must not forget the need for adequate ventilation. Suctioning should ideally take no longer than the time you can hold your own breath. After suctioning, it's imperative to re-ventilate the patient's lungs promptly. This ensures the lungs receive oxygen, vital for brain oxygenation. Remember, a clear airway is essential, but the patient must also breathe.