First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

206 videos, 11 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

The Recovery Position

Video 17 of 206
5 min 21 sec
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Methods of Putting a Patient in the Recovery Position


Exploring three different approaches for placing a patient in the recovery position.

Traditional Method

The How Position: The commonly taught technique involves hand placement near the face, raising the opposite knee as a lever point, and rolling the patient towards you.

Monitoring Breathing: Emphasizing the importance of continually monitoring the patient's breathing while in the recovery position.

Back and Neck Injury Position

Careful Back Alignment: Demonstrating a method suitable for potential back or neck injuries, focusing on maintaining a straight spine.

Elbow to Elbow: Highlighting the use of the elbow-to-elbow and hand-to-hip technique for rolling the patient to reduce spine twists.

Quick and Protective Position

Efficient Recovery: Introducing a swift technique for placing a patient in the recovery position, ideal for narrow spaces or stretcher use.

Arm Placement: Placing one hand under the back of the head to quickly prepare the patient for the maneuver.

Benefits of the Quick Technique

Speed and Protection: Utilizing the quick technique for promptly transitioning patients, protecting the head, and maintaining spine alignment.

Child-Friendly: Noting the technique's effectiveness in teaching children to move adults into the recovery position with ease.


By understanding and practicing different methods of placing patients in the recovery position, first responders can ensure proper care, minimize risks, and swiftly address potential airway obstructions.

Learning Outcomes:
  • FPOS Extended unit 2 LO2.1 LO3.2 and 3.9
  • IPOSi Unit one LO4.3
  • IPOSi Unit two LO1.6
  • IPOSi Unit two LO2.1 & 2.2