First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

206 videos, 11 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Level 3 First Responder Practical

Video 205 of 206
1 min 20 sec
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Level 3 First Responder Practical Part

Overview of Practical Training

If you are pursuing the full Level 3 First Responder qualification, the practical part is essential.

What to Expect

  • Attend a local classroom session facilitated by your instructor.
  • Review your understanding of the online course content.
  • Cover additional subjects relevant to practical application.
  • Participate in practical modules that complement online learning.
  • Receive assessments and guidance tailored to your learning needs.

Assessment and Feedback

  • Your instructor will assess your performance and understanding.
  • Receive feedback on your progress and results promptly.
  • Discuss any challenges with your instructor for clarification.
  • Opportunity for skill repetition and further practice if needed.

Preparation Tips

  • Review course videos and downloadable resources beforehand.
  • Contact us or your instructor directly for any questions or concerns.

Prepare thoroughly for your practical training to ensure comprehensive understanding of all modules covered.